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Showing posts from May, 2022

Name of Health Product Regulatory Agency

HVAC System, It's Components and Function

Structure of the heart

Automation System in Industry

What is Difference between HMI, PLC, SCADA, DCS(Most Important Question asked in Interviews)

Shortcut Trick to Remember CAPA

What is 7 Quality Controls Tools and Trick to Remember in Brief

What is Cephalosporins and Answer

ALCOA Descriptions Mostly asked Questions in interviews

Main Causes of RT Shifting (Retention Time Variation) During Testing Of Product By HPLC

Parameters to be Checked during HPLC Calibration in Brief

Name of Regulatory Agency and Theire Websites

Flow Chart of CAPA

Flow Chart For Product Recall

Flow Chart of Market Complaint Investigation

Flow Chart For Deviation Handling

Flow Diagram for Moment of Change Control

Quality Risk Management in Brief

Quality Risk Management Methodology in Brief

Trick To Remember Climatic zone

Climatic Zone Related to Stability study of Drug Product and There Temp. /Rh


MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS IN PHARMA 1. What is the definition of SOP? Ans. SOPs are detailed written instructions for the operations routinely performed in the course of any activities associated with pharmaceutical manufacturing. Or A written authorized procedure which gives instructions for performing operations not Necessarily specific to a given product / material, but a more general nature the equipment's  preventive maintenance and cleaning; recall products; purchasing; cleaning premises and environmental control; sampling and inspection etc. Or These are guidelines which describe how the activity is to be performed. To achieve uniformity of results by each individual, it is mandatory to follow these guidelines. SOP is like a “ TELL and SHOW” concept. Tell – means to establish and teach how the activity is to be carried out. Show – means to provide the documented proof for the activity carried out. 2. What are the contents the SOP? Ans. Objectiv